
Archive for April, 2009

Obama, speaking to the press as the summit ends, on Cuba: “The policy we’ve had in place for 50 years hasn’t work the way we wanted – the Cuban people are not free.”

Which is only one-half of why we don’t get in bed with the Kommunist Killer Klowns of the World.  Whether he feels it is proper or not, the President of the United States can confer legitimacy and approval on foreign leaders and their nations in how he acts toward them.  While Obama appears never to have met a thug or petty tyrant that he did not feel an obvious affinity for, he clearly does not recognize or value the message that has been sent in the past.  Obama is correct in the statement he makes.  The Cuban people are not free, but when we trade with their country and warmly embrace their thugs-in-chief, we send a demoralizing message to the people who dream of a better life like the kind we have enjoyed here.  It also portends things to come here.  When you embrace evil, it will flow back to you.  The little compromises are already in place.  Universal healthcare, which will of course mean that someone else will tell you what you can eat, and how to live, and classifications of byproducts of natural biological processes as pollutants, and imposing a ridiculous cap and trade scheme, and increasing intrusions into your personal life, all for your own good, means that he really doesn’t think that there is much wrong with what these international bad actors are doing.  Too bad our leader thinks we can’t see it.

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TRINIDAD-AMERICAS-SUMMIT-CHAVEZ-OBAMAMuch ado was made during the campaign by pundits, observers, and commentators, including myself, of Michelle Obama’s unfortunate remark that since her husband started running for President, for the first time she was proud of her country. This remark revealed her to be an ingrate, and yet another person suffering from that special brand of cognitive dissonance that requires the sufferer to feel ashamed of being a citizen of the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet. Now that her left-leaning husband with the concealed past occupies the big chair and is busy enslaving us all to generations of the debt he is using to feed and grow the entitlement culture that threatens to transform us into another European state, I understand what it means to be ashamed of my country. Especially when he goes abroad.

Don’t get me wrong. I have every confidence that this is a temporary malady, one that can be quickly reversed by replacing the the current occupant of the Oval Office with someone who understands the history and character of this country and her people, rather than someone who is so intent on preening for the world’s admiration and adulation that he cheerfully apologizes to other nations for our exceptionalism, which he glibly characterizes as arrogance, and submits to and or pals around with thugs and toughs of the world, who find the rights we believed in enough to enshrine in law to be silly and foolish notions fostered by a decadent and weak people who have spent too much time holding the tyranical regimes and leaders of the globe at bay, and not enough time under their boot heels.

It isn’t enough that Lord Zero has demonstrated an EPIC FAIL! understanding of this Country’s history and law. Hell, he did that prior to the campaign when interviews he gave showed him expressing a soul-crushingly wrong view of the Constitution (that it is a flawed document), or the opinion that we were going to have to stop living like Americans and start living like people in other nations (the cornerstone of his doctrine of the Politics of Lowered Expectations™). No, Lord Zero has to go abroad and spend his time seeking the approval of foreign leaders and their subjects, and little or no time looking our for American interests. His trip to the G20? Plenty of time with his face on camera, but he agreed to a framework that submits our financial system to foreign oversight. And then there was the bow.

Lord Zero could barely muster a nod for England’s Monarch, but bowed deeply and graciously for the Saudi King. This did not go unnoticed in the Saudi Press, and when enough hue and cry was raised here at home that the Administration could no longer remain silent on the subject, two equally ridiculous lies were offered up to an irritated American public in a half-hearted effort to tell us that we really didn’t see what we all saw. From there, Lord Zero ventured to Turkey, where he felt compelled to tell the Turks that we are not a Christian nation, a lie of the most vile type, because it contains a kernel of truth, around which the tapestry of falsehood is woven. We do not have a state-sponsored religion, but the foundations of this country, and the men who set the framework were undeniably Christian, as was the character of its civil institutions up until the Supreme Court decided to take a line from a letter to a church and give it the effect of law, in clear contravention of actual law in place at the time. Despite the unrelenting effort since then to drive religion from nearly all aspects of public life, the majority of people in the nation still identify themselves as Christian. No matter. The press, being the good little stooges they are, dutifully, and timely trotted out their splashy cover stories questioning the role of Christianity in our country today, and suggesting that we are no longer a Christian nation.  When Lord Zero utters such demonstrably false things in when visiting other countries, he does so with the authority established by all of his predecessors, and gives those regimes who vacillate between being jealous of us and outright hating us encouragement and succor, and dampens the hope of decent people in other nations who see our nation as an example, pushing back the gloom of socialism, and the creeping spectre of totalitarianism.

Now Lord Zero is making it a priority to open relations with Cuba, a country oppressive enough that people will risk traversing the shark infested waters between Cuba and Florida for a chance to live in a free country. The fact that we have made it a policy for decades to not engage in trade with this regime since its current thuggish cadre, lead by the Castro Brothers, installed themselves as more equal than all the others in the island worker’s paradise means nothing to Lord Zero. His is the agenda of CHANGE! And if he can earn the admiration of a Marxist dictator in the process, well even better! And then today, he met with Venezuelan president for life Hugo “What Free Speech?” Chavez. Again, by itself, no surprise, but it is very difficult not to be ashamed of your country when it elects a leader who can clearly become such fast friends with a petty tyrant like Chavez. Pictures really do speak a thousand words, and this one gives any freedom loving American reason to be ashamed. I am beginning to believe this man (lowercase) would swap spit with Uncle Joe Stalin if he could.

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There was a lot of discussion today in the blogosphere about the exceedingly biased and silly coverage of the April 15 Tea Parties around the nation.  Their cynicism was matched only by their contempt.  Its alright.  They will carry the water for the Left…all the way to bankruptcy, and that’s fine.  If the fact that they have completely discredited themselves doesn’t bother them, it doesn’t bother me.  In fact, I welcome the silence that will come when their soapboxes are taken from them and given to their creditors in the oblivion that they are racing towards.  No, what irritates me is when people in my own government forget their place and start casting aspersions toward the people they are supposed to serve.  Case in point?

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)

Congresswoman Schakowski opined that yesterday’s tea parties were “despicable” and “shameful.”

Consider that for a moment.  A member of Congress, an elected official stated that the peaceful assembly of MILLIONS of Americans across the country to protest an out-of-control government Hell-bent on enslaving us to debt that we will NEVER be able to pay off decided to show her level of comprehension and understanding by calling the gatherings “despicable” and shameful.”

Despicable Des”pi*ca*ble\, a. [L. despicabilis, fr. despicari to despise; akin to despicere. See Despise.] Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; as, a despicable man; despicable company; a despicable gift. Syn: Contemptible; mean; vile; worthless; pitiful; paltry; sordid; low; base. See Contemptible. Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

Shameful Shame”ful\, a. 1. Bringing shame or disgrace; injurious to reputation; disgraceful. His naval preparations were not more surprising than his quick and shameful retreat. –Arbuthnot. 2. Exciting the feeling of shame in others; indecent; as, a shameful picture; a shameful sight. –Spenser. Syn: Disgraceful; reproachful; indecent; unbecoming; degrading; scandalous; ignominious; infamous. — Shame”ful*ly, adv. — Shame”ful*ness, n. Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

Doesn’t really seem to fit, does it?  While I’m relieved that Mensa doesn’t have to worry about reviewing her application for admission, I am sad that her village is missing its idiot.  Every village needs its idiot to hold out as an example to its children of how not to be when they grow up.

Who is Congresswoman Schakowski?  She is a career politician.  She was elected to her sixth term in Congress last November, and before her first election to the United States House of Representatives, she served for eight years in the Illinois General Assembly.  Before that?  From her website:

For twenty years prior to her election to the State House, Schakowsky fought for the public interest and rights of Illinois citizens. As Program Director of Illinois Public Action (1976-1985), the state’s largest public interest organization, she fought for energy reform and stronger protection from toxic chemicals. As Director of the Illinois State Council of Senior Citizens from 1985-1990, she organized across the state for lower cost prescription drugs and tax relief for seniors, financial protection for the spouses of nursing home residents and other benefits for the elderly. She has been deeply involved in the fight to protect women’s reproductive freedom.

Think about what this doesn’t say.  It doesn’t say she has ever held a real job.  It doesn’t say she has ever taken the risk of being an entrepreneur.  It doesn’t say that she has ever had to make a payroll.  What it does say is that she has spent nearly twenty years in elected office, and more than a decade in Washington D.C., which is more than enough time to lose touch with the concerns of everyday Americans, assuming that she ever was in touch with them to begin with.

It also doesn’t tell you that her husband, Robert Creamer, pleaded gulity to tax violations and bank fraud for writing rubber checks and failing to collect withholding tax from an employee.  The Honorable Congresswoman’s response toher spouse’s guilty pleas:

“In my heart, I know that these mistakes do not define or diminish this good man, or the good work that he has done over the last 40 years or that he will do in the future,” Schakowsky, D-Ill., said after her husband’s court hearing.

I forgot.  Character doesn’t matter when you are a Democrat, or married to one.  But the money quote?

Schakowsky, who lives in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, said she doesn’t think her husband’s plea would prompt a primary challenge next year in her heavily Democratic district.

The sad thing is, she was correct.  Still, one wonders just how much training is required to denounce the people who are unhappy about paying the bill for your idiotic spending spree that will undeniably transform the nation and force government dependency on us all, and yet fail to recognize the application of your chosen charges against the American people to your own spouse, who violated the law and failed to pay taxes.  That is a special brand of hypocrisy.  Perhaps we should refer to it as the “Democratic Standard”…you know, the one that is different from the one applied to you and me.

Think she needs to hear about it?  Me too.  Drop her a line at:

Washington, D.C.
2367 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2111
Fax: (202) 226-6890

And maybe you can send her a dictionary while your at it. 

H/t to Folly and XBradTC

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Am I the only one who cringes whenever this idiotstick opens his piehole near an open mic?  I was never a supporter, and never will be.  Something about him being an unpatriotic leftist with no understanding of or appreciation of history to make me feel comfortable with him anywhere near real power.  Especially considering his freindsand all he has deliberately concealed about about himself.  But truly, he could do himself and his administration an enormous favor by just keeping his mouth shut and ceasing to pretend that he has the slightest clue what he is talking about.  He needs to quit competing with his Vice-President for the title of “Biggest Clown in D.C.”  Besides, the smart money is on Bwarney Fwanks for that coveted Democratic Leadership position anyway.  Today, the O ventured forth with an opinion on taxes and the tax code.  Most of it was his version of “I feel your pain” combined with “Its all the fault of those damn tax-cutting Republicans”.  Predictable, and completely necessary from his viewpoint.  If we had a sane tax policy, then there would not be any money to fund community organizing groups with a penchant for illegal activity undertaken with one goal in mind:  Get Democrats Elected.  If that goal is not met, then important policy goals such as midnight basketball, destroying the medical profession, making sure we all pay for the mortgages of those who shouldn’t have had mortgages, and creating and expanding every conceivable entitlement would not be fulfilled.  As I said, all routine and predictable.  But, like the toilet in a frat house afflicted with diarrhea, his cup runneth over and he opined thusly:

Finally, we need to simplify a monstrous tax code that is far too complicated for most Americans to understand, but just complicated enough for the insiders who know how to game the system.  So I’ve already started by asking Paul Volcker and my Economic Recovery Board to do a thorough review of how to simplify our tax code, and to report back to me by the end of this year.  It’s going to take time to undo the damage of years of carve-outs and loopholes.  But I want every American to know that we will rewrite the tax code so that it puts your interests over any special interests.  And we’ll make it easier, quicker and less expensive for you to file a return, so that April 15th is not a date that is approached with dread every year.

This is one of the special Obama speech nuggets that just sends a chill down your spine, because in saying it, he demonstrates that his ignorance and arrogance are equally large beyond his ability to successfully manage.  The tax code?  Yeah, its a beast, and I had to go to school for 9 months just to begin to learn how to work with it and advise clients how not to get into trouble or how to get out of trouble with the Internal Robbery Service.  Yes it is complicated.  Yes, most Americans do not understand it, but then again, most Americans do not have to.  That is why we have H & R Block, Jackson Hewitt, individual C.P.A.s, Turbo Tax software, and for many among the ranks of Americans, the form 1040EZ.  If I did not pay attention to detail, I might look at the tax troubles of many Obama nominees and appointees and conclude that “Wow, The Fresh Prez of Bill Ayers is right!  Look at all those super brilliant appointees that our government simply cannot be destroyed without.  If the tax code is so complicated that even they can’t figure out how to do it right, what chance do I, the gullible worshipper of this sneering pretender, have to possibly figure my taxes out?”  Unfortunately for the liars and damn liars populating this administration, including the Chief Reader himself, I know that the tax problems these Democrats have come from their failure to report or correctly report various liabilities and income, not because their taxes are so complex that no one could be trusted to correctly prepare and file tax returns.  That’s why God made CPAs and Tax Attorneys anyway.  Asking Paul Volker and his economic advisers to examine the issue and suggest ways to simplify the tax code is a little like asking your typical 5 year old to perform brain surgery:  of course it may seem easy to him, he has no idea what he is talking about.  It would be like me deciding that it is a simple matter to repair a fine watch.  I can open the jewel case, I can observe the movements, take it apart, but when I put it back together, there are going to be pieces left over.  What makes it worse is that these changes would be proposed by the same people who brought you the Progressive Income Tax to begin with.  You know, that brilliant system that enshrines the notion that it is perfectly fair to tax people who make more money than you at a higher percentage, rather than simply charging everyone the same rate, and collecting the increased amount levied on wealthier taxpayers, and essentially forgiving the tax liability of those who make less.   Sounds like more CHANGE! and less HOPE! to me.  Just more of what I have come to expect from Obama’s Politics of Lowered Expectations.  He will continue to weigh down and destroy everything about this country until it really is as bad as he keeps saying it is.  I guess no one told him about self-fulfilling prophecy, either.

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Lord Zero’s attempt to discredit the Tea Parties, on the eve of Tax Day:

<blockquote>Now, you will recall that some argued this recovery plan is a case of irresponsible government spending, that it’s somehow to blame for our long-term deficit projections, and that the federal government should be cutting instead of increasing spending right now. So I want to tackle this argument head on.


To begin with, economists on both the left and the right agree that the last thing a government should do in the middle of a recession is to cut back on spending. You see, when this recession began, many families sat around the kitchen table and tried to figure out where they could cut back. And so have many businesses. And this is a completely reasonable and understandable reaction. But if everybody — if everybody — if every family in America, if every business in America cuts back all at once, then no one is spending any money, which means there are no customers, which means there are more layoffs, which means the economy gets even worse. That’s why the government has to step in and temporarily boost spending in order to stimulate demand. That’s exactly what we’re doing right now.</blockquote>

If someone doesn’t hurry up and nail a clue to the back of this clownshoe’s hand, we are going to be destroyed by debt.

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The Department Of Homeland Security has released a new report that would only too happily designate many people who admit to disagreeing with Lord Zero and The O Crew as “Right-Wing Extremists”, including yours truly.  Yes, the same group of political hacks that put Slow Joe Biden in a position of power and gave him a soapbox from which to make ignorant pronouncements has concluded that those who hold views contrary to the current administration and are not afraid to admit it might be right-wing extremists.  First, they make us proud to be designated as haters because we don’t see the wisdom in tolerating our society to suicide, and now they attempt to affix another perjorative term to our breasts.  The Left’s Petty Tyrants do love their labels.  If it didn’t smack of the very claims they were accusing the Bush administration of for the last eight years, it might almost be amusing.  Instead, it is indicative of just how little they do not understand.  I know people they are trying to pigeonhole into this group, and I have to wonder if they realize the colosal  mistake they are making.  What is it they say about United States Marines?  No better friend and no worse enemy?  Yeah, I think that is the can that some faceless political appointee has seen fit to shake up, then stand over as he pushes the tab.  I hope that this isn’t the declaration of war by our government against the people who so strongly embody the values and principals that made founded and built this nation into the envy of the world, but I’m having trouble reading it any other way.  This is what happens when you teach people that they have a right to do whatever they want, fill their empty mush skulls with the notion that if they can argue a behavior or activity is victimless, and that rich people (who are always defined as someone else) actually owe everyone else all that they have, whether or not they worked for it.  Two generations of learned academics spewing this tripe in the Nation’s classrooms, and we are turned from the Land of Opportunity, which requires the beneficiary to want it and work for it, to the Land of Entitlement, which only requires that someone else works for it, so Government can take it from them and give it to you.  I’m really starting to think that this can’t end well.

Read it for yourself, but put away the brakables first.


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